13books: establishing the VC’s fintech leadership through strategic social


​In early 2023, 13books Capital, investors in tomorrow’s financial technology, approached The Flywheelers with a strategic objective to leverage social media and content creation to amplify brand awareness and establish the firm as a thought leader within the fintech industry. This initiative directly aligned with 13books’ platform strategy to foster a thriving ecosystem for their portfolio companies.

However, 13books’ existing social media presence lacked consistency and momentum. Additionally, valuable insights from their events and network of industry experts were not being fully utilised.​


​The Flywheelers implemented a comprehensive multi-platform organic social media and content marketing programme designed to achieve 13books’ goals. Here’s how we did it with the ‘Three E’s’!

  • Elevating brand awareness – The Flywheelers developed a strategic content calendar for 13books’ LinkedIn and X/Twitter profiles. The content focused on industry trends, investment insights and success stories of 13books’ portfolio companies. This strategy ensured consistent brand messaging across platforms, attracting a targeted audience of potential founders, investors and industry influencers.​
  • Establishing thought leadership – The Flywheelers identified key takeaways and insights from 13books’ events and network of industry experts. We then transformed these insights into engaging blog posts and social media content. This approach allowed 13books to showcase their expertise and establish themselves as a valuable resource within the fintech community.​
  • Empowering Portfolio growth – 13books actively invests in the founders’ building tomorrow’s fintech businesses. The Flywheelers implemented a system to consistently track 13books’ portfolio companies, which enabled us to curate and share news, accolades and recruitment opportunities across 13books’ social media platforms and blog. This not only increased engagement on its social channels, but also demonstrated 13books’ commitment to its portfolio companies.​


The ‘Three Es’ approach has increased awareness of and engagement with 13books’ social channels.

The blog features topics ranging from Q&As with portfolio company leaders, to the successful blog series ‘How to set up a VC platform from scratch’. For organic social, since the start of the programme, 13books Capital’s LinkedIn follower numbers have increased by 40%, with organic impressions rising an outstanding 128%. Additionally, quarter on quarter, the engagement rate on X/Twitter grew from an average of 2.2% to 5%. ​

Commenting on the partnership, Joanna Wlazlak, Head of Platform at 13books Capital, said: “The Flywheelers really get what we’re aiming for as a top European fintech VC. They understand how we use communications as part of our platform services to highlight the successes of our portfolio companies and share insights with them. Since teaming up, not only has our brand gained more recognition in the VC and startup world, but we’ve also received great feedback from our Partners and portfolio companies.​

Building on this relationship, 13books worked with The Flywheelers to elevate key announcements, including Ramify’s Series A investment in UK media, which generated 21 pieces of coverage, and for the launch of its new fund, which generated 35 pieces of coverage in the likes of City AM, Fortune Term Sheet and Tech.eu.


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