AeroCloud: creating thought leadership that drives leads


AeroCloud is the only 100% cloud-native airport management platform taking on a $20 billion legacy technology sector. Underserved by traditional, legacy technology partners, AeroCloud’s mission is to enhance airport operations through digital transformation because of its core belief that ‘Airports Deserve Better.

However, not all airports know they’re being failed or understand how more advanced solutions – like cloud, AI and computer vision – can enhance their operational decision-making, commercial prospects and passenger experiences.​

The idea

​Understanding the need to overcome this knowledge gap amongst its airport operations leaders and drive leads, The Flywheelers proposed AeroCloud launch its first-ever comms campaign with objectives to:​

  • Educate on how technology transformation tangibly impacts airport operations and outcomes​
  • Establish credibility for AeroCloud as a sector pioneer ​
  • Generate leads to support AeroCloud’s sales funnel ​


After identifying that airports were still recovering from the financial impact of the pandemic, The Flywheelers saw an opportunity to show airport leaders how technology transformation could help them navigate a challenging economic environment by overcoming operational hurdles that may be acting as barriers to revenue growth. ​

Based on analysis of AeroCloud’s customer case studies, extensive desk research and a deep dive download with its CEO into airports’ greatest barriers and opportunities for growth, The Flywheelers devised the creative idea for “The Runway to Growth” campaign.

The goal was to show the direct impact of legacy technology and processes on airports’ growth potential, aligning to where AeroCloud’s product suite can support them.

The Campaign

We wanted to put the insights of its target customers at the heart of the story and commissioned research of airport leaders in AeroCloud’s key markets (UK, US & Italy). This, alongside background research and customer insights, informed the creation of our hero piece of thought leadership content. We launched the report through an integrated campaign:

  1. Raising brand awareness through:  
  • A media launch to airport, tech and business press in the UK and US, AeroCloud’s two biggest commercial markets. We also issued a second press release a few months later to maximise the report’s findings and AeroCloud’s investment
  • Filmed talking head videos of key campaign insights with the CEO and COO for use on social media and AeroCloud’s website
  • Developed a thought leadership article series drilling down into some of the key report findings to offer more in-depth and practical guidance
  1. Generating leads through:
  • We recommended AeroCloud gated the report on a dedicated landing page with a lead capture form to download the report
  • We devised, launched and continuously optimised a paid LinkedIn lead gen campaign targeted at senior decision-makers in AeroCloud’s target audience

Further to our own execution tactics, we worked with the marketing manager to use their internal resources to complement our activity for one holistic strategy. This included organic social promotion, employee social promotion and a direct mail campaign.


To quote AeroCloud’s former COO, Damian Fairbrother-Jones, “The Getting on the Runway report is a fantastic initiative from AeroCloud for the industry… Airports have a fantastic community amongst themselves and this knits markets together globally nicely. Shared problems are halved problems and this report gives insight and comfort that airports are facing the same challenges and there are solutions out there.”

The campaign delivered against our objectives of positioning AeroCloud as an industry pioneer and educating on technology transformation. We secured widespread coverage in target media to boost brand credibility:

  • 28 pieces of media coverage with a reach of 165 million in key media including Forbes twice, Travolution and Simple Flying. 17 articles included a backlink.
  • 70% coverage included key messages around the role of technology transformation in revenue growth.

The campaign also met our objective to drive leads for AeroCloud’s sales funnel:

  • An exceptional lead form completion rate of 23.56%, more than double the industry average of 10%.
  • Strong CTR combined with a 12% click-to-lead conversion rate, exceeding the LinkedIn average (typically 4%). This shows our ads had a slick design, that our audience optimisation worked, and we had a clear CTA
  • Lead to live sales conversation rate of 5% for AeroCloud’s sales team with North American and European airports

The success of the campaign led to the Global Head of Sales commissioning a second campaign from The Flywheelers in H1 2024.


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