AeroCloud: using LinkedIn Ads ignite event attendance


Passenger Terminal Expo (PTE) is one of the world’s leading airport and airline industry events – and a strategic event for AeroCloud to strengthen industry connections and generate leads. To help engage existing and potential customers and partners whilst at the event, AeroCloud wanted to drive attendance to its a Happy Hours event and an exclusive VIP event, as well as encourage delegates to schedule one-on-one meetings with AeroCloud executives in advance. ​


The Flywheelers designed and executed a targeted LinkedIn Ads campaign to generate interest among relevant personas and encourage them to register for the events and connect with AeroCloud in advance of PTE.

​Targeting attendees of events isn’t possible on LinkedIn and so our strategy focused on building an audience of airport professionals likely to attend.

We researched specific job titles (e.g CTOs), departments (e.g. operations) and seniority levels within the airport ecosystem to create six highly targeted ad sets. These sets featured compelling visuals (images and video) designed to capture attention and drive engagement among our ideal audience on LinkedIn.

To maximise reach, clicks and conversions on the landing pages, we implemented a data-driven strategy that continuously optimised targeting and budgets throughout the campaign.​


This data-driven approach yielded impressive results. The campaign generated a high click-through-rate (av. 0.74%, against 0.44-0.65% industry av.) and conversion rate (122 conversions to final confirmation pages), indicating that our ads resonated with the target audience to drive event participation.​

Additionally, the higher number of impressions suggests the campaign’s reach likely extended beyond registered attendees – reaching other relevant personas in the aviation industry and helping to deliver broader brand awareness.

This success highlights the effectiveness of our strategic approach despite LinkedIn’s targeting limitations. By meticulously developing targeted audiences, crafting engaging ad creatives and continuously optimising the campaign, we were able to drive not only event participation but also significant brand awareness for AeroCloud.

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