Curam: building brand reputation for the digital leader transforming care


At the start of 2024, Curam was looking for a new comms partner to help them build the brand reputation and raise awareness for its disruptive platform, which helps to improve access to high-quality care in the UK. While the company has a B2C proposition, they were looking for support in growing their B2B audience.  


The Flywheelers devised a high-impact media relations and thought leadership programme in collaboration with Curam’s marketing agency Procreate London to align with Curam’s key B2B sectors including care agencies, local authorities (LAs) and the NHS, and to position the company as a digital disruptor in tech media.

We first worked to establish Curam’s Point of View, holding workshops with four spokespeople to capture their take across the key topic areas to get the press office up and running quickly. Alongside underpinning thought leadership, we used this to support the profiling of Curam’s leadership team to showcase how it is driving innovation within the social care sector with a technology-first approach.

With such a public interest proposition, a key part of the programme has been to jump on the news agenda with reactive commentary and advice. Key moments have included reacting to the Carer’s Leave Act being passed, calling for further steps to be put in place to support carers with long-term responsibilities, commenting on the Spring Budget, calling on the government to provide fairer pay to Care Professionals and additional funding to local authorities to provide further support at a local level, and assessing the manifesto pledges of each party during the General Election.

Additionally, we have also created news moments for Curam’s key partnerships with other industry players to demonstrate its ongoing growth in key media.


In the first five months of working together, the team secured 31 pieces of coverage for Curam, with a total reach of 230 million. These included national, LAs, health, care and technology titles such as The Times, the Daily Mail on Sunday and the Scottish Mail in print, the Independent, LaingBuisson, Local Gov, The Carer and Digital Health, with a third of coverage including a backlink to the Curam website.

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